20’s & 30’s
Committee Chairs and Contact Information:
Meet Our Volunteers:
Our social events are a great way to meet others interested in the outdoors. Our trips are a great way to experience that outdoors with a bunch of like-minded ?0-somethings. On our trips, the safety of the group is always paramount. All of our activities are led by trained volunteer Trip Leaders and may vary from a single day to multi-day events.
This group has been the source of fantastic friendships and life-changing experiences! Seriously!
How to get involved:
- Come to one of our socials in Manchester, Concord, Portsmouth, Upper Valley, and Lakes Region (or suggest a new location!)
- Join us for an upcoming hike, camping trip, ski, or paddle.
Kara has set up an email for group events. Stay in the loop with upcoming events and more! We promise we won’t bug you too much.
In addition to this website, invitations for YM events go out on Facebook and Yahoo. Pick the one that’s best for you!
- Facebook Group The best way to stay in touch, see photos of recent trips, connect with other Young Members, see who’s attending events!
- Yahoo Group
Just like you, we joined this group to meet new people and try new activities. Welcome! We’re glad you’re here! Be sure to check out or Facebook and Yahoo groups links and look for some upcoming socials or outdoor events geared to those in their 20s and 30s.
Do you have suggestions for trips or events? Questions about the group or our activities? Contact us!
Come, get involved!