One Day Class 3 Trip Leader Training
Updated:2025 October, date to be announced, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
AMC Cardigan Lodge in Alexandria, NH
and pre req date TBA 7:00 – 9:00 pm via zoom meeting
Training for those interested in becoming leaders for hikes and walks at lower elevations in three seasons. This session will allow you to become a class 3 leader for NH chapter. Exercises in group dynamics, trip planning and logistics, Participant screening, communication, handling difficult behaviors, and how to post your trip for approval. Outdoor practice in leading and basic map and compass. This training is a good introduction to leading hikes and has been of interest to those who are thinking of becoming trip leaders for the first time.
Up to 7 Participants will work in a small group with two instructors to understand the methods for planning and leading trips to smaller mountains or natural areas and the sea shore. The group members will use different learning techniques to try out and understand the many roles of leader and how to apply these too outings. Come prepared to spend the day outdoors learning by doing. Bring your pack for a fall day hike, hiking cloths, boots and a trail lunch. Morning snacks, maps and instructional materials will be provided.
Training at AMC Cardigan lodge Alexandria NH 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. A pre-training Zoom session will be scheduled approximately 1 week in advance from 7:00 -9:00 pm
Instructors Rick Silverberg and Bob Humphery $ 25 for members $30 for nonmembers
Call 603 455 9119 with questions between 7-10pm