Meet Our Bike Leaders
We welcome bikers to join us on bike trips of various levels while meeting other biking enthusiasts and making new friends. We’ll get you out on new trips and explore special places. We’d love to have you come biking with us and welcome you to the group.
Our trip leaders and instructors would like to introduce themselves!
Leaders: We welcome including you here. You may also include a gallery. Contact the Bike Chair & Webmaster.
Bob Kaplan
I rode my first bike race as a 15-year-old Junior in 1958 in NYC”s Central Park. I retired from amateur bike racing as a 65-year-old Masters bike racer in 2008. During these competitive years, I traveled and competed all over the USA, Europe, and Latin America. In addition to cycling, where I won multiple NY State Championships as well as a Silver Medal in the US Masters National Championships, I also was a successful competitive long-distance runner and Triathlete. Since my retirement from active competition, I continue an active lifestyle, riding around 100 miles a week as well as hiking, fishing, and kayaking in the woods and lakes that surround our home in Greenfield NH. For the past 4 years, I also volunteer several days a week in the Crotched Mountain Accessible Recreation and Sports (CMARS) cycling and kayaking programs. Most of my rides these days are at a more leisurely pace, on the rural dirt and gravel back roads of Hillsboro County NH. I’m looking forward to sharing my riding experience on these quiet but challenging back roads as a ride leader for AMC.
Denise Carter
is a year-round outdoor enthusiast who loves a challenge. She has traveled far and wide, but her heart is in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. She would love to get you out! there to experience and appreciate the beauty of our State and to be inspired to preserve it for future generations.!

A late Winter Ride before Spring officially arrives, March 19, 2014
Doria Harris
is a 30+ year member of AMC and a cycling enthusiast who thinks AMC’s mission of encouraging people to connect with the natural world and cycling is a good fit. She says “8 or 80, one can enjoy biking. Even a trip to the Post Office can be enlivened by biking. When cycling one experiences the smallest changes in smells, temperature, flora, all missed whizzing by in a car.”
In addition to commuting by bike throughout her professional life, Doria enjoys long-distance self-contained touring as well as brief “credit card” tours and just poking about the rural back roads of New England. Doria likes being an AMC Bike Leader since one of her passions is to turn people onto biking and provide cycling activities so they feel confident and empowered.
Hiel Lindquist – Bike Co-Chair
has been am AMC member for about 20 years. In addition to his trail work, Hiel is an avid cyclist and is also an AMC Bike Leader. Hiel became interested in cycling during the bike craze in the 1970s. He even completed a bike overnight, covering the distance from Concord, NH to the Canadian border area in 2 days. He became reacquainted with cycling when he completed his first bicycle tour in 2005. Since then he has completed several long-distance trips including the Erie Canal, Washington DC to NYC, Nova Scotia and other trips throughout New England. Hiel rides in the Monadnock region almost every day in the summer. He has favorite routes of 10, 15, and 20 + miles, usually at a leisurely pace. He hopes that by being an AMC bike leader he can help others enjoy the fun of recreational cycling.