Trail Crew
Stairway to…
Committee Chairs and Contact Information:
Frank Miller – email:
Bill Foster – email:
Heather Blease –
You Need a Trail!
Whether you hike or bike or ski or snowshoe, you need a trail where you can do it.
Trail work is:
Fun: Play in all sorts of conditions, move huge rocks, and get rid of trees blocking the way!
Inclusive: Work with us whether you’re 6 or 106 — tools plus skill plus teamwork get everyone helping.
Family-oriented: Kids! Do something new with your parents!
Instructional: Work with us for a day and find out
* What keeps a trail dry and smooth.
* Why dips and logs and rocks are deliberately put on a trail.
* Why rocks just happen to look like stairs.
* Why blazes appear where they are.
* What else was done to keep this trail useable.
An individual or team activity: Spend a day on your adopted trail for quiet and focus, or work with a group to go a greater distance or tackle a more difficult project.
Rewarding: See the difference you’ve made at the end of a day.
A way to contribute: Work on your special trail, trails on state lands, town properties, and other federal and private lands.
An opportunity for advocacy: Propose and contribute to projects which encourage trail use by everyone.
You’ll find trail work fun, creative, interesting and compelling. Learning and working go together — we’re always ready to explain, help, or give tips. All trips begin with a talk on safety and technique. Fear not if you’ve never done trail work before!
Can you spare a day for the trails you love?
Thank you for volunteering!
Help us and earn a NH Trail Crew bandana, short sleeve T, or a long sleeve T-shirt!